Friday, September 25, 2015

Blog 2

In class, we have talked about a few aspects that could impact the way we thing critically. I believe, what has the biggest impact on the way I think critically is confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias that involves favoring information that confirms previously existing beliefs or biases. While everyone would like to imagine that our own beliefs are always rational and logical, the fact is that our ideas are often based on paying attention to the information that upholds our ideas and ignoring the information that challenges our beliefs. Everyone is susceptible to it and it happens all the time. I know that I cannot look at a situation with one perspective, I have to look at the situation from a completely unbiased point of view. Its is very important to look at all the information, not just the information I agree with. Since everyone is susceptible to confirmation bias that means my thinking hero is too. Nelson Mandela, one of the great moral and political leaders of our time, was also a victim of confirmation bias. It most likely influenced Nelson Mandela's ideals and beliefs in a great way but I still consider him to be my thinking hero.


  1. The biggest aspect that impacted my critical thinking was also Conformation Bias. I also believe that everyone is susceptible to conformation bias including our thinking hero's because we are all human and nobody is perfect. Nelson Mandela is a great thinking hero!

  2. Hi Karen,

    I think it's great that you try to be actively conscious of your own biases. Too often, we take for granted the fact that we're "right" and those who disagree with us are "wrong". The world would be a much more interesting (and probably, a much more compassionate) place if birds of a feather, instead of flocking together, explored the skies a bit more. (Please excuse the contrived metaphor).

    You're right; we all fall victim to confirmation bias all the time. Perhaps our only tool against it is - as you already know - our own concentrated vigilance.
